Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Full "STEAM" Ahead

Dear Third Graders,

     We did a wonderful job on our Personal Narrative Writing Unit. On Friday, we had Mrs. Maurantonio's first graders come to listen to our stories. I was very impressed with how we are building stamina as author's and using different features to make our writing strong. We have been focusing on using our senses, word choice, thinking, talking, and feelings to enhance our writing. We have also be working on using correct capitalization and punctuation (now using quotation marks to show when characters are talking!).

Here are some action shots:

     On Monday, Mr. Adamo and his cream brought the STEAM bus to visit our grade level and we got to work on coding! We participated in the Maze Challenge with Sphero.  The children worked in small groups to get a ball through the maze. We had to use engineering, problem solving, teamwork, and our Growth Mindest word focus word PERSEVERANCE. We worked together to solve problems using the Sphere app on the iPad as well as taking turns with the I-Pad and how to cope when our ball didn't move exactly as we planned.

     I uploaded some videos that are located in the folder labeled "STEAMbus" on the right side of the page.  Here are some pictures:

Bear Hugs,


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  2. Mrs. Jefts, 3rd graders;

    Thank you so much for having us over to work with you on Monday morning. It was so great to watch you struggle, and then it was even more fun to watch you succeed and challenge yourselves. We really hope that we'll be able to come back to work with you soon! You all were awesome!

    Mr. Adamo and Mr. Wolfort
