Sunday, April 24, 2016

Beautification Day

Dear First Graders,

    What better way to wind up a week before our break then with a birthday celebration and Earth Day celebration! 

 Enjoy the week off!  When we get back, we will be receiving our Chick Eggs!!!!

Bear Hugs!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Birds of Prey

Dear First Graders,

    What a great assembly we had today!  We learned all about Birds of Prey and got to see some too. Here are a few pictures:

Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Spring Fever!

Dear First Graders,

     Spring is here and we are in full bloom! We have worked really hard on positive talk and being able to identify what makes us special! I continue to be amazed at what a wonderful class we have and I want you to be able to see the ways you are great.

    We enjoyed a great book about feelings from our mystery reader! In My Heart By Joe Witek

 I'm working really hard on printing out a hard copy of our Simple Machine Slide Show we made for Mr. Smith's 4th grade class. Here are some pictures from our presentation...

Bear Hugs,