Friday, January 27, 2017

Snow... snow... snow?!?!?

Dear First Graders,

     Between the "snow" day and all the fun things we had going on, this week sure blew by! I had a lot of fun making snow with you, having two mystery readers, listening the fourth and fifth grade chorus, band, and orchestra play, and much much more!!!

In art, Mrs. Komp read us the story, Owl Babies.
We created these beautiful owls that are on display outside the art room. 

 We had two mystery readers this week! And a Birthday Girl!
We are currently booked through the winter break.

We made snow (since we can't seem to get any real stuff)!
We read a great book called Sneezy the Snowman.
We had fun making up reasons why our snowman melted. 

Bear Hugs,

Friday, January 20, 2017

How Do We Measure Up?

With Non-Standard Units!!
(what are those? things like paper clips and counting cubes)

Dear First Graders,

     I loved measuring with you this week! I was also very proud of how well you did working with your buddy and helping to ensure we follow the...

rules of measurement! 

Measure from starting to ending point.
Measure in a straight line. 
Measure with the same unit.
Place unit of measurement end to end.
(Do not overlap or leave a gap!)

    We used our foot to measure objects in the room and guess what??? When we all measured our desks we got lots of different answers!  We discovered that it is important to use the same units of measurement if we want to compare.  Here is a great book that we read to help us understand some of our measurement rules. 

   We also enjoyed two mystery readers and celebrated a friend's birthday this week!! (We are all booked for Mystery Readers until February break.)

Having fun making bracelets and playing with friends. 

Bear Hugs!!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Together We Can Change the World!

Dear First Graders,

     We ended our week discussing Martin Luther King, Peace and our fabulous winter assembly.

A lot of planning and practicing make this production a hit! Thanks Mrs. Johnston. 

The assembly ended with a song I find to be truly powerful... Together we can change the world. MLK lived this and hopefully we can all do our part to continue his dream. 

click link
Together we will change the world! 

Bear Hugs, 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Mystery Readers

Dear First Graders,

      We have had an exciting week thus far! I loved meeting all of your stuffed animal friends on Monday! I was very impressed at how well those animals helped us become better readers, writers and spellers during Daily 5!

    In writing, we will continue to work on building our stamina to write long and strong! Show mom and dad how you can write a paragraph with an introduction sentence, first, next, finally and a conclusion!

    We have been lucky to have so many siblings come in during their recess time to read us a story! Today we heard a really great story from Leah's brother! He also shared some of his experiences at Rosendale. We are all booked for January mystery readers and will be looking to schedule more in February!

Bear Hugs,

Friday, January 6, 2017

Crazy, Crazy Sock Day!

Dear First Graders,

     We had a crazy sock kind of Friday!!

     This week went quick!  We had a mystery reader, we learned all about writing informational books, we practiced our math facts and used addition to add big numbers!  Wow!! We continue to grow so much as learners.

Bear Hugs,

Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy Holidays!

Dear First Graders,

    Hope you all had a healthy, happy holiday break! I'm excited to get back to school tomorrow and see everyone!  I was hoping for a little more snow, but we did have enough to make a little snowman and go sledding!  Please remember to bring snow gear when there is snow on the ground so you can play in it! Here are some bags that work really well at keeping all our gear in one place... (make sure to label with your child's name, 1J)

   Here are some action shots from our holiday celebration. Thanks for making this day so special!

Bear Hugs!