Spring might not have arrived, but we sure came back from Spring break ready to learn! We are moving the bus at a quick pace (great reading at home!).
We also celebrated 2 birthday's so far this week!!
It's time to learn about time!
Our standard is to be able to tell time to the hour and half hour.
Go on a scavenger hunt around your house and see if you can find all the digital and analog clocks in your house. You may discover that you don't have an analog clock (one with numbers and hands!). I highly recommend buying one and hanging in a place where it can be used daily.
We are doing a great job telling time to the hour. Keep talking with mom and dad about what activities are morning (a.m) and what activities are afternoon (p.m.) activities. Here is a fun website to try your skills at click here. The other concept that is tricky is does an activity take an hour or a minute! While driving, try having mom or dad give you an activity and decide how long it would take (like watching a movie, drinking at a water fountain, or playing a soccer game).
Bear Hugs,
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