We have been hard at work collecting our writing ideas. We did a nice job decorating our writer's journals with pictures that we can use to help us pull out stories.
This week we got to do a museum share with our writer's notebook with Mrs. Neufeld and Mrs. O'Connell's classes. We will also get to bring these home to share with our parents soon too (just don't forget to send them right back!)
In reading, we have been focused on Author's Purpose: P.I.E. Persuade, Inform, or Entertain. We zoomed in on each purpose throughout the week. On Friday, we worked in small groups to read excerpts from different books and use what we read to determine the author's purpose for writing. Wonderful Work!
We ended the week with another Friday Challenge. This week, our goal was to listen to others and encourage our teammates. We continue to work on dividing tasks and responsibilities as we raced to use 10 index cards and a yard of tape to make the tallest structure!
Our October bulletin all ready to go! Our focus for geography is where we are in the world. This ties in nicely with Fire Safety month. It is important that you know your address and one of your parents phone numbers (or landline if you have one!).
Bear Hugs,