Monday, May 22, 2017

BOGO Books!

Dear First Graders,

    It was great seeing so many of you at NiskaDay!  I was busy waving that I didn't get a great action shot of those of you that marched, but I was there cheering you on!

    Did you tell your parents about our PTO sponsored BOGO book fair?!?! Try earning money towards a book by doing a chore or something around that house that helps your family.

    Tomorrow we are on day F of our ABC countdown.  F for Flip-flop day! Don't forget sneakers for the playground as well as our extra time outside we earned for our great first grade habits. I'm looking forward to playing some kickball with you! 

Bear Hugs!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Buddy Reading

Dear First Graders,

    Can you believe we are on Day 2 of our ABC countdown!!  B- buddy reading day!  You did a great job reading your life cycle books to the Mrs. Schwan's Kindergarten Class!  It was also fun spending some time with our chicks and with them outside!

Bear Hugs!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Hatching Day

Dear First Graders!

   Can you believe we had 4 chicks hatch so far! I hope we get a few more by tomorrow!! We need to start thinking of some names. 

      It was the perfect day for our blankets and flashlights. I had a lot of fun getting cozy and reading a good book!

Where is your favorite spot to read at home? 

Bear Hugs!

Fun Friday

Dear First Graders,

     We had a busy week!  We celebrated two more summer birthdays!

     We had a mystery reader and started our Junior Achievement program. We learned all about communities and how they are the same and different. Talk with mom and dad about what makes Nisky special.  Ask an adult what community he/she grew up in and how it is the same and different from Niskayuna! 

     We also acted like scientists and made some observations of our Spring Tree.  We noticed some similarities and difference between our tree today and that from Winter and Fall. 

Bear Hugs!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Marvelous May!

Dear First Graders,

      I can't believe how fast May has come. We are down to 6 more days till our HATCHING DAY!

Look carefully at this egg we candled. Can you see the chick embryo? (Thanks Joey for taking  great picture!

We are winding down on our mystery readers for the year! 

     We have begun celebrating summer birthday's! We have a lot of friends that will be turning one year older in July and August!  Here is one of our friends!

This seemed to be an all time favorite.  Presented by our PTO!

Bear Hugs!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Beautification Day

Dear First Graders,

    We kicked Friday off with a birthday celebration!  Happy Birthday Friend!

     Beautification Day was a great way to end our week! We have been learning about ways to reduce, reuse and recycle to limit the amount of waste in our daily lives!

Our planting crew!! 

   We started the day at the compost station where we learned about how worms are great decomposers! I was shocked to learn about how much food waste we have in the U.S.!

   We then spent some time with Mrs. Giagni, who brought a few of her chicks for us to meet. We learned a lot about what they eat, how they eat, their eggs, and that a hen is born with over 3,000 yolks inside her!!  We all got a chance to pet one of the hens at the end too!

   We ended our day planting a flower, mulching and watering. Whew... we were busy. 

Bear Hugs!