I hope you are all enjoying your winter break! Were you as surprised as me that we didn't have school on Friday! I have 4 packs of sugar cookies sitting on my desk that I brought in on Thursday. I'm sure we have all had our fill of cookies and treats this week. My girls and I got out on Monday to enjoy the snow before it became super cold!! I am hoping to bundle up and make it out again this week.
Although our week was cut short, we had a lot of fun before heading off to break. We enjoyed a sibling being our mystery reader (open dates January 3, 17, 24, and 31st 8:30-8:45 please email me)! We also had fun playing dreidel.
We also wished a friend a farewell and good luck as he rings in 2018 in a new house and new school. We will miss him!
(photo curtsey of Miss Sabourin)
Have a great new year! Remember to brainstorm your ideas for our next writing unit. See January folder for another copy. I also posted the lunch menu since it is very different. There will be 2 hot choices and one alternative that is bagel, yogurt, and a cheese stick.
Bear Hugs,