Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween

Dear Trick or Treaters,

Happy Halloween! 

     Did I to scare the Tuna Salad out of you with our Mystery Bags. It was a fun way to practice both our investigation of textures as well as using great adjectives to describe items. 

   Try scaring the Tuna Salad out of your parents with our rhyme monsters we made!  

     What about Miss Sabourin with her amazing haunted gym...

      Have fun trick or treating tonight!  I loved the song Mrs. Johnston taught in music this week... Keep it in mind as you have a safe Halloween.

Tune of: I'm a Little Tea Pot

I'm a Trick or Treater set to go!
Here is my flashlight, I'll walk slow.
I always say thank-you for my treats
And I never run across the street!!

    Parents, are you wondering what all this talk is about Tuna Salad... it came from a book by one of our favorite authors! 

Bear Hugs!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Halloween Fun in Computers

Dear First Graders,

    Boy did I love seeing all the great things you were creating during computers today as we practiced using our mouse to scroll. We also practiced click, drag and drop to create a Jack-O'lantern.  You can try playing these games at home by clicking this link:  Halloween Fun Pages

We also did some more exploration of liquids with our "Make Milk Dance" experiment. You can recreate this at home: Dancing Milk

Bear Hugs,

Monday, October 24, 2016

Exploring Liquids and beyond

Dear Scientists,

       Did you communicate our findings from our liquid experiment?  Here are some pictures of us mixing different colors and making observations!

     I have enjoyed having a dad and a sibling come in as mystery readers Friday and today!

     I got to see so many of you at Hogwarts Night!!

Bear Hugs,

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Careful Observers

Dear Careful Observers,

     You are doing a wonderful job looking careful at words and pictures while reading and making observations as scientists.

   Today we posed the question, "Will an apple sink or float?" Did you communicate your findings to someone at home?

   We also observed the longhouse that the fourth graders constructed. It was amazing.

   I forgot to post a picture of our mystery reader from Friday!  We had a third grade sibling come share a story with our class!

   Parents, our Halloween sign up sheet is posted to the right as well as our conference schedule.

Bear Hugs,

Monday, October 17, 2016

Hello Scientists,

Step 1: Ask a Question
What will happen to an egg when it is dropped on a basketball?

Step 2: Make a Hypothesis

Step 3: Conduct our Experiment!

Step 4: Collect your Data

Step 5: Share... 
Did you tell someone at home what happened?

       We also did a nice job coming up with addition stories with a buddy! This would be a fun thing to try at home as well. 

Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

An amazing class

Dear First Graders,

     I continue to be amazed at our Buzz worthy behavior and good habits we are forming. Today, we discussed our Caught Being Good program at Rosendale and how we strive to have 4 Bee days everyday! We may earn a Caught slip on a particular day, but it is not going to be everyday and that does not mean we didn't have a great day.  Our Bee worthy behavior affects how our friends feel and allow us to become better learners. Keep up the great work!

  Basketball entertainer, Ilze Luneau ( came to visit our school and teach us to not give up on our dreams!