We had an exciting week! I was very impressed with how you worked as engineers to design a cart that would roll. Many of encountered a problem.... our wheel and axles didn't turn! You then had to think differently to try to solve the problem or improve on your design. We will be using these again to continue to build off and solve new challenges. We watched a great video on brainpopjr that talked to us about what an engineer does! You can watch it again by putting in our username and password (email me if you forgot it... remember I always joke about how "complicated' it is!).
Crazy Hair Day fun!
I have been working hard to gather resources and ideas for kids to be using at home. The district is working together tomorrow to put these in one place. As I learn more, I will share via email, your google classrooms, and this blog. I miss you and will see you all really soon. Stay healthy!
The district has pick up points for five days worth of breakfast and lunch: Monday, March 16th 7am-2pm at the Nisky High School and Tuesday March 16th noon to 2pm. Food will be provided to any student in need. You can go to either location and do not need to bring anything. Please email Mr. D or myself if you are someone that is in need of food and are unable to get to these locations.
Bear Hugs,